Monday, January 24, 2011

Select Dialog Box Buttons using Tab in Mac OS X

However there are lot many things that we love about Mac, some things are there which tweaks us around a point.

Among those, one most common is selecting the dialog box button in Mac, or rather changing the focus of the button in the dialog box using tab key.

By default this preference is disabled in MAC, and we need to change the preference to enable the selection of focus on dialog box.

For this, go to System Preference> Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts, and select the "All Controls" radio button at the bottom of the window.

Now close the preference and see the things working as you wanted.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Facebook single sign on in iOS

Facebook has added some new APIs in its API collection. These new APIs are Graph API.
Graph API provide a simple method to access the information, feeds, friends list, posts,pages etcs of the user.

Single Sign On (SOS) is something that will enable the application to launch the existing Facebook application on the HH (Hand Held) through the third party application.

When a user clicks on share or login button in your application, the application will invoke the facebook application installed on the device to authorize the user. User will enter his credentials in the facebook application and on successful (or unsuccessful) authorization, facebook application will open back the application he was into with proper message.

Thus, with Single Sign On, if the user is logged in once, he need not provide the credential again and again ( as the credentials are stored in native facebook application on device).

Also if the OS available is less than the version that supports background application ie. iOS 4.0, simple FBConnect dialogue will appear for authentication and authorization.

To enable Single Sign On in your application, all you need is to handle

– (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url

method in the appdelegate of the application and add the URL scheme information in the .plist file of your application.

For more guidelines ,steps and facebook SDK for iOS, please visit:here
Happy Coding…