Friday, May 25, 2012

Developer Essentials for MacOS Lion and XCode 4.3

In most of the cases as soon as you are done with the installation of MacOS Lion on your Mac, you may probably find below unexpected and unknown things.

So, here is a list of some unexpected situations that you may face and solution for it.

+ MacHD asks for password if you create or delete any folder MacOS Lion?
Solution: Navigate to "MacHD" > Right click on "MacHD" icon > Select "Get Info" > Scroll down to "Sharing & Permissions" and change the privilege to "Read & Write" for all. It will not ask for permission again.

+ How to Show/Unhide "Library" folder MacOS Lion or XCode 4.3?
Solution: Open Terminal from Utilities in Applications directory and run this command, "chflags nohidden ~/Library/", (without inverted commas).

+ Installed Application location in iPhone Simulator in MacOS Lion or XCode 4.3
Solution: Applications installed on iPhone simulator in XCode 4.3 resides at this location ".//Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.1/Applications/F8CFC9C3-D21C-4E08-920B-4F09256868F6/". You can list all the applications and see their locations with below command "find ./ -name """ (without first and last inverted commas), and of course you can navigate directly to the application location using "Go To Folder" option in Finder > Go menu drop down.

Hope this helps!